Transcribe Baker, A. B. Letter to Ward, Henry A. (1882-02-02)
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sioner should allow them to lie in Custom House for so long a time without giving them any attention.
Have heard nothing more from Tice & Lynch regarding the
three cases in their hands and have just sent them a line of inquiry. </u Feb. 3 >
Enclosed is letter from Prof. Coulter. Prof. Milne ^ Prin of Geneseo Normal ^ to whom
we wrote in regard to bill of $135. against the Normal, (for spms ordered by Prof. J. Allen), says that it will be paid within two weeks.
I also enclose list of Zoological expenses and sales for
1881, and your account for the year.
Wages stand, I believe, the same as when I sent you a list
some months ago with the exception of Mr. Preston- and William, who has been raised from $1.75 for 10 hrs to $1.75 for 9 hrs. the change dating from Jan. 1. When we begin 10 hour work, William, Wood, Forrest, Mirguet, and Gueret will probably want higher wages.
All the tile chimneys ^ except one on front of large museum.^ in the shops have just been re-
placed by brick. The tile was badly cracked and the in- surance inspectors said some change must be made imme- diately. It seemed advisable, all things considered, to build brick chimneys and this has been done. Just what the cost will be I do not know, but probably from $85. to $95. for all (W. & H. & Z.)
The furnace, also, has been repaired at a cost
of $60. The fire pot and several other pieces were badly