Transcribe Baker, A. B. Letter to Ward, Henry A. (1882-02-02)
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[another hand- Feb. 2, 1882 </u Baker > Feb. '82] Ward's Natural Science Establishment, Rochester, N. Y. Feb. 2, 1882
Dear Prof. Ward,
Enclosed are three letters received today
from New Zealand, also letters from Prof. McCoy and one from Cyril Stafford. Do you wish the description of her- barium? We mailed to you today 3 copies of Democrat containing Bankok letter. Those containing New Zealand letters were mailed some days ago, - 2 of the first and 2 of the second, but of the paper containing the third I cannot find a single copy. We had but two copies of the third and these seem to have disappeared. tho' carefully put away. Mr. Fitch agreed to save papers for us, and did so with first and second, but failed to do so with third. Although requested on no account to fail to save Bankok paper. they had but one for us, and the 40 which we have were picked up among the \news dealers.
Morris wrote Jan. 30. (in reply to inquiry concerning the cases)
"There are </u no > marks whatever by which to recognize which are your goods. - - either you or Mr. Pickering has to do it" (Pick them out) We wrote Pickering on the 31st telling him that we were in need of the goods and asked him to let us know how soon he would be able to attend to the matter. It seems strange that cases should be shipped with no mark or number of any kind by which to identify them and that the commis-