Transcribe Baker, A. B. Letter to Ward, Henry A. (1881-06-02)
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Ward's Natural Science Establishment, No, 2 College Avenue, (opposite University)
Rochester N. Y. June 2, 1881.
We have been so busy that we have not yet taken time to decide upon the value of Kunouse's Goats, but shall do so very soon and write him in re- gard to them.
Charles is still painting and packing casts,
but has been working more irregularly for the past week and a half in consequence of being out nearly every night. He is carrying out thoroughly your directions in regard to preparations for San Francisco: :- has procured a spring overcoat at $35., $15., or $20. of very fine underclothing, several hats including a silk one ("Stove pipe"), besides numerous other articles, so that his debts can hardly be diminishing very rapidly. Charles has, however, been more regular in his habits for the past two months than for some time before. If he had somewhat more of a dislike to running in debt it would be better for him. I do not particularly enjoy writing you about Charles, but as Mr. Howell dislikes to do it, I thought perhaps it was best that I should. If you would prefer that I should not I shall hope to hear from you to that effect.
I do not know that there is any