Transcribe Baker, A. B. Letter to Ward, Henry A. (1881-03-31)

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We have heard nothing from your steamer, and wrote Clements a week ago, asking him to make inquiries about it and send us a night telegram, which we shall expect to receive by tomorrow or day after at latest.

Have just received a letter from Dr. Boyd offering skulls of African Elephant, Hippopotamus adult and young - the 3 for $40. Told him they were not needed and that we should not care to do anything about them till your return. Prof. Coulter sends $150.- on account. Dr. Manigault wants you to procure for him "a real boomerang." Shufeldt returned the Tetraonidae skeletons which were sent him, as none of them were what he wanted. Prof. Osborn's Urodela skeletons have reached him and he expresses himself, as highly pleased with them. They go on Scott's account which now amounts to $1,142. (Bal. Jan. 1 $991.- Bear skin $70.- skeletons of urodela and dog skull $81.-) Scott was up here to attend quarterly meeting of the S. A. T. He said the money might come at any time, but that he could make no definite promise; that if pushed, he could pay it himself, but would much prefer no to do so.- will pay interest, and the interest now