Transcribe Hornaday, W. T. Letter to McBride, T. H. (1886-03-22)

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2nd To state on the labels that the collection is my gift, and give Prof. Ward's establishment credit for the mounting in the same way. While it would afford me real pleasure to make the gift wholly unconditional, the result of this course might not prove so satisfactory to all concerned as it will to have the specimens all mounted promptly and put on exhibition in good shape. It is perhaps proper to state here that this collection is the result of long-standing desire to place a series of birds and mammals in my native state, which my travels as a naturalist have enabled me to realize. Such of the specimens that I offer you as are from localities I have never visited, and therefore not of my own gathering and preparation have been acquired by exchange and purchase to make the series scientifically complete. In the list which I send you, you will