Transcribe Journal of a trip from the East Coast of Africa to the Cape, 1884

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hand or by machinery. Their one end in life seems to be to stay at home and raise cattle. Wealth estimated by heads of cattle. Seem not to care to sell these. Their long teams. Love of hunting. Why are good shots.^Read my letter^. There was little communication between the English and the Boers for long years previous about 25 years ago. Then Diamond fields were discovered in Bechuana land. Gotten – Boers say – by false title. Describe Diamond mine. Gold came first as [placers?]. Then as veins or Reefs, as they are called there. Of immense richness. Prospectors and mining men flooded there from the Cape, from Australia and all English colonies. Also from England and America. Much capital was invested. Much machinery brought in. Railways were opened from the Cape and from Delgoa Bay