Transcribe Journal of a trip from the East Coast of Africa to the Cape, 1884

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Here live the Boers. They are old settlers – very old. Although not in their present home. The earliest settlers in Cape Colony were the English and Portuguese. The Dutch came from Holland in the 15th century. In the 16th century came the French Huguenots. The Dutch – more [body?] and virile - absorbed the French, so that only names of latter remain, (Duval, Dupont, Joubert, etc.). They spread over the Southern portion of Cape Colony, all adopting a farmer or “Boer” life. They did not get on well with English, who objected to their keeping slaves, When in first quarter of this century the English abolished slavery. The Boers revolted and in a body trecked away to the north to their present abode. They live a patriarchal life, each Boer family surrounded by its 40-100 Kaffir defendants [dependents?]. They have absolutely no commerce, no manufactures, – either by