Transcribe Journal of a trip from the East Coast of Africa to the Cape, 1884

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The Matabele and other native tribes were driven back past the Limpopo toward the Zambesi. Cities were built. In their neighborhood the Boers began to be more fully civilized, less simple, and – perhaps less good. A great quarrel has sprung up between them and the [unknown?]. The latter complain of restrictions forced upon them. That they own 3/4 of the valuable property (R.R.'s, Telegraphs, Mining Machinery, etc.) in the country. That they, with these claims, and largely in the majority in numbers have no voice in the laws, and that these laws are published in Dutch. Boers want to hire the Kaffirs [illegible]. The Boers say that they did not want them to come there. That they wish must expect to obey the laws of a country where they are only visitors. That if they were given any rights in citizenship and law-making their first use of it would be to take control of the whole country displacing the Boers. The fact is that they and the English with other Outlanders are two totally, [illegible] different styles of people.