Transcribe Orton, James. Letter to Ward, Henry A. (1855-10-11)

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I may be able to gratify it. I fear if I wait, you will be gone, and I know I shall be lonely - as you say I shall have the blues. i feel certain of it. Then too there is such a fine opportunity now of studying with you and pursuing the Modern Languages. But I do not see how i am to obtain funds: unless I wait a long - long time - till I can make it. I would rather borrow it now & pay 10 per cent interest, but I cannot do even that - for I have only myself to mortgage. Dear Ward tell me what to do. I believe there are large hearted gentlemen somewhere who would willingly & cheerfully loan it to me: but I cannot find them. Is Mr. Wadsworth in Geneseo? if so, how would it do for me to call on him, or to get an introductory letter from you. If you do not wish me to call on him - just say so frankly.