Transcribe Orton, James. Letter to Ward, Henry A. (1855-10-11)

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But, Ward, I have not given up the intention of seeing Europe. I am going to try and try again and keep trying. But I do want to go while you are there; I would rather study with you than any other person I know. Do tell me Ward when you think of leaving Europe. Not only would I like to study the Sciences with you: but during vacations, take a foot-tramp through Switzerland. I am confident it would be the making of me: for I fear that even should I finish my Theological studies, I would not be able to preach - on account of my health. For I applied my self so closely for the last 7 years, that my physical nature is somewhat under- mined. You may well suppose therefore that my future looks dark: after all my hard study, I fear I shall not realize my hopes. I still have a strong ardent thirst for the Natural Sciences: may Heaven grant that Top of page If I could land at Harve with $250. would it able to obtain a small loan for me? But,