Transcribe Orton, James. Letter to Ward, Henry A. (1855-10-11)

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I quickly devoured its contents, which set me on edge to be with you. And now I will give you a little of my history. After I received yours at Williams- town, I decided to accept your kind proposal, and meet you, if I could procure the necessary funds. I tried, and striking for too high a sum - utterly failed. All my fond hopes of studying the Natural Sciences with you were blasted in a moment. I dont know as I ever experienced so great a disappointment. I forthwith became reckless, and much against the wishes of my friends - and especially my brother John _ the Doctor - I packed off for the City and entered Union Theological Seminary - where I now am. My health however has not been very good since my arrival: and today I have made up my mind to return home; - exactly what to do I hardly know. Top of page Safe provided I was sure that you would be Ward, don't discount yourself in the least on my account.