Transcribe Ward, Henry A. Letter to Orton, James (1856-04-24)
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either come at once or send you a tlegraphic despatch to the Hotel de l'Europe saying that I ^can^ not for 12 or 24 hours, or that I can not at all. You see that the thing is very simple & I will only add that we can thus stop & visit Rouen on our way to Paris, a thing which it would be somewhat hazardous for you to attempt alone. For aught which I see now nothing will prevent my joining you at Havre except the case that D'Orligny should be on some important fossil at the Jardin des Plantes or that my pocket book should be suffering from a momentary drought. (By the way we would if you </s wish > like economy, return in the 3d. class car.) I think that you will get a fair supply of clothes more to your sat- isfaction at home than here simply however, for the reason that you can choose more at your ease. Bring your "Webster's Unabridged" mainly for its definitions of scientific terms. Your Spiers French dictionary (the best one) you can buy much better here. So much for yourself. Now then do all of theses things for me which you can without trouble to yourself & of course I will meet the expense. Bring me the