Transcribe Ward, Henry A. Letter to Orton, James (1856-04-24)
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[another hand- Apr. 24, 1856] the depot, take the first coachman which you see for my room. & we will return for your effects. I enclose my card for you to direct the coachman &, lest he should be unable to read or you to pronounce 39. Rue l"Eufer. I have imitated the pronunciation on the back of the card. Take the 2d. class car which comes with nearly every train. Now let me propose another thing. I have long been </s intending > ^wishing^ to make a geological excursion of two or three days along the lower cretaceous cliffs not far from Havre. If you are disposed to wait there with me & study the channel geology I think that we may bring it about very easily & in this way. If you come by Havre steamer write me (by another steamer) the week before you start. & you will either find me at the dock or you will find at the Hotel de l'Europe a letter saying that I can not come. If you come by sailing vessel send me a letter as soon as you arrive. In 6 hours the letter will be at my hotel & as I shall watch for it
I shall get it not long afterwards (even in
case of my absence to a lecture when it arrived) & will