Transcribe Ward, Henry A. Letter to Orton, James (1856-04-24)
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Bac. of Pres. Hopkins & as many of the ^good^ pamphlet sermons as you have. Bring an atlas (either for you or me) old or new. Bring me two or three large specimens of Franklin ore. And finally bring as large a package, or box, of American fossils (of which you know pretty near the locality) as you can. I will pay you a full compensation for these. If you go to Rochester or to South Hadley before coming, visit for me my Uncle Levi A. Ward & Mother or my sister Marian Ward. Say nothing about my plans to anyone. I wanted very much to thank Mr. W -. in a letter. I have just written him for his kindness to you, but your change of </u sub rosa > kept me silent.
Write me at once on receiving
this. Yours truly, H. A. Ward P.S. Mr. W- will doubtless give you an order on Green here, but bring all your other money in French coin which you will obtain at any bankers. H.W.