Transcribe Ward, Henry A. Letter to Orton, James (1856-04-24)
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If you take a sailing vessel, remember our trip from Halifax to Boston, & take some lemons or a bottle of some kind of sirup to flavor the water. By all means come to Havre other than
England. Have your passport well made
out before starting as it will be demanded of you before you go ashore. Write your name in all your books & if possible, use them a little so as not to pay duty. Your luggage is all taken without your care to the custom house. Go your- self at once to the </u Hotel de l'Europe. > & take a room (only). They will take your keys & get your trunks for you, & you can go with them if you wish to oversee the </u rummying >. The railroad station is at some distance from the Hotel but an omnibus leaves at each de- parture, & you receive your checks. Get your meals at a bake-shop or dine from a card (on which the price of each sweet morsel is marked) at the restaurant of the hotel or any other. You will then have nothing to pay but 3 or 4 francs per day for your room, & a franc to the waiter. When you reach Paris, let your baggage entirely alone & making a sortie from