Transcribe Ward, Henry A. Letter to Orton, James (1856-04-24)
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a loan of $60. per month for a stay in Europe of 6 more months. I am quite anxious to know how I shall succeed. Have you any friends who could lend me the money!?
I had proposed, if I stay, to travel some
on foot, & to study in London. I might perhaps conclude to spend a few months with you at Geneva, & study German & attend the paleontological lectures of </u Pictet >, if you would be willing. But of this in the future. If you can obtain a free passage in a packet ship. do it. Otherwise </u by all means > take a steamer - 2d. class. A sailing vessel is (I am quite sure) oftener more than a month than she is less, in her transit, & you are exposed to hardships which are too severe for you to take from choice, even were the season much better than the present one. In either case ascertain, when you choose your berth, on which side the vessel careens cheifly coming over and then take the upper side in order that you may open you cabin window when you wish. Write during the voyage all the exercises of Olendorfer which you can without trying to pronounce them unless you have a teacher on board. You will thus get just as perfect an idea of the construction of French sentences as if you were here at Paris.