Transcribe Ward, Henry A. Letter to Orton, James (1856-04-24)
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to say by that, that I think so. Let me only add to take of Mr. W - all that you can handsomely demand without giving yourself the slightest care about how you may refund him. Perhaps you can live in Germany or Switzerland for $250. per year. A friend at Heidelberg writes me that his ex- penses are but 1/2 of those of Paris. I am little more than comfortable in my room, board & washing, but I have paid </u $1. per day ? for it ever since last July. I have just been answering a letter from </u Charlie Stoddard > at Edingburg, & I have demanded par- ticularly information as to the ex- pense there. You can study everything to advantage in Paris </u except Theology. > I should therefore advise you </s to > (if you are determined on Theology) to spend but a month or two here & then to go on to Geneva. Were I not to be here I should not advise you to stop at all. Geneva is a splendid place (they say) to study French. Charlie has received notice to spend his summer vacation (commencing in August) at home & Mr. W - presumes that I will "wish to stay till then & return with him"! I have written to Uncle for