Transcribe Gunther, A. Letter to Ward, Henry A. (1876-02-29)

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the fish, but believe I can remove some of them. Of course, I must expect that you would send me the same species repeatedly, but I should not consider the specimens to be duplicates, if they were collected at sufficiently distant localities. For instance I could take specimens of the same species from Lake Ontario, Erie, Huron, etc., from the Wabash to Illinois, but I could not take duplicate specimens from Oswego & Toronto, Jefferson City & St. Louis, These places being in the same ichth geological district. As regards the prices I can agree to the following For fish up to 1 foot long

           from the Mississippi or rivers
           & lakes east of it              pounds  0.5.0
          from waters west of Mississippi.  0 8.4
"  "    1 to 2 feet                                      0 11.7
"  "    2 to 3   "                                         0 14.7
"  "    3 t0 4  "                                          1. 0.19

with the exception of the first. those are your own prices. I should not care for Lepidosteus, </u Amia & Spatularia >, which as you know, you can always sell to other people at good prices.