Transcribe Chichester, C. D. Letter to Ward, Frank Addison (1885-02-16)

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If I succeed in securing this it will help out very much and as the Life Saving Stations have been notified to secure any parts, I expect to get it. .The carcasses have been or now are from 30 to 50 miles apart and the expenses have been much larger than if in one place. Had my skeleton been together I think $100. could have landed it on the car, but as you can see, under the cir- circumstances I have hardly had a fair show to keep the account low. I have now paid out about $112. for work etc. besides which I have had to use some $13 of my own wages for Long legged Rubber boots, socks, mittens, cap, etc. for this work is very hard on clothes. I now have about $25. which you last sent me - Which ^will^ have to be used as follows - Livery tomorrow 15 miles ^& wages /man^ $5-

              Loading bones, skull etc. here                     5.
              Carting to Bridgehampton 9 miles                          10.
              Work on Bridgehampton carcass                             12.
              My board for week                                                      5.
                                                                                                $37 -