Transcribe Chichester, C. D. Letter to Ward, Frank Addison (1885-02-16)

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as you see without allowing any for expenses not seen, this over draws me for $12. As I now expect to ship by the 100 lbs. I of course shall have to allow for freight to New York and cartage or help to the amount of $25 - This would not come in my expenses if I cortered a car for in that case you would pay at R - I have only carculated for getting the skeleton to the R. R. You will probably say that this has been pretty poor carculating, and all I have to say is that my ignorance of thw Sea or the Power of the Sea, and my failure to secure the Southanpton carcass, are the reasons for the poor carculating - I have been able to get several skins and skeletons of birds, which with the Turkey I sent you from New York, will, I hope make $15. less for the Whale Trip. I have done my best to keep the expense down and only hope I will have a chance some daay to get out a skeleton that is not scattered over so many miles, for the fact that so much traveling has to be done by livery, has made the