Transcribe Chichester, C. D. Letter to Ward, Frank Addison (1885-02-16)

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did not think that there was the danger that there proved to be - so did notdo as I wrote him two or three times. The carcass may yet turn up but the chances are so small that I shall not count on it This trip cost me two working days of time and about $10. in money, which makes me feel pretty badly - On my way from Southampton, to day I stopped at a place some 6 or 7 miles from here, where the carcass of one of the 4 Whales is landed in a Pond. The weather was such that it would have been next to impossible to succeed in doing anything with it myself, to day. and so I told a man to tie ,it, and make it secure, and as it is in a Pond and not the Ocean I hope not to let this one go. The Whale was said to be from between 50 and 60 feet , long. The end of my Whale, or the end of the vertebrea is reported to be some 15 East of here where I hope to be able to go tomorrow.