Transcribe Ward, Henry Levi. Letter to Ward, Henry A. (1882-02-19)

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       About the despondency business. I don't feel that

way all the time - but am apt to have it pretty bad once in awhile. ("Once in a while" is in "good general usage" but I can not analyze it in a satisfactory manner.)

       Whenever I have an attack of dyspeptia, headache or feel

generally "played out", I am particularly open to melancholy.

       These attacks are yearly becoming less frequent and severe.
       It takes a good deal of will power to fight the, because the

come just when one is least prepared to battle them.

       I try not to make a fool of myself by talking about them,

but sometimes I am contemptibly weak.

       Now as to my Bank Acct. I was in hopes that you would

not ask me about this until I had repaired it.

        Th Last spring, about 1st of May, I was laid up with my

knee for two weeks. The old scar opened, inflamation set in, and I had to resort to heroic treatment in the form of very strong iodine as a counter irritant. This put me somewhat back at the Academy. I made up, but as a counter cost, I had to spend most of two weeks loafing outdoors - doctor's orders.

       So I bought a fish pole, line, and spoons and went fishing.

Cost of this about $12.50. In Sept. I purchased a canoe, and built a boat house on land of Mr. ?. It is on the lake beech near the bay. I paid 1/3 of expenses of building and did about 2/3 of the work. This was a luxury; but I expect it to pay me back with interest, not in cash but in pleasure and health. Canoe cost $22.50.