Transcribe Ward, Henry Levi. Letter to Ward, Henry A. (1882-02-19)

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nwh [page 1] Ward's Natural Science Establishment, Minerals, Rocks, Fossils, Casts of Fossils, Geological Skins and Skeletons of Animals, Relief Maps, Models and Diagrams, and Archoeo- Invertebrates (Crustaceans,Shells. Corals, logical Specimens, etc.) Glass models of ditto, Anatomical

Ward & Howell                                                                Models, Human Skeletons, Skulls and 
                                                                                          Skeletons of Races, etc.,
                                                                                         H. A. Ward, A. M.

No. 2 College Avenue (opposite University). Different hand Henry Feb. '82 Mar 6 Rochester, N. Y. Feb. 19. 1882. </em> My dear Father:

       I have two long letters from you to

answer, so will start with the first.

       I believe that I have written that neither Mr. Lucas,

Baker, or myself was able to find your quotation in the Aeneid: in fact, could find nothing like it. So the letter was published with the quotation ommitted.

       That I am not studying Latin, and reason for

dropping it, you already know.

       Chemistry, in fact all of the ^not^ sciences, as studied in the

Academy, does not amount to much. Of course we acquire a general knowledge of the subject; perhaps as much as it would pay the mass of scholars to obtain. The class in Chemistry consisted of about 90 pupils, so laboratory practice was entirely out of the question.

       Dr. Forbes preformed the principal experiments before the

class; but this is a great way behind laboratory practice. The course in this study covered two terms. I passed an examination at the end of the course, standing 100%: but these figures do not indicate much knowledge of the subject, for the Dr. always strongly hints what will be asked.