Memoranda of an agreement between Henry A. Ward and W. T. Hornaday (October 1876)
Memoranda of an Agreement Between Henry A. Ward and Wm T. Hornaday. Oct. 1876
It is hereby agreed that Wm T. Hornaday shall travel from Rochester, N.Y. to
Europe, Africa, India, Eastern Archipelago, China, Japan, Australia and
Sandwich Islands, one, more or all, and home for the purpose of making
natural history collections and obtaining information in the interest of
Prof Henry A. Ward or Wards Nat'l Science Establishment). Mr H. agrees to
visit all the localities that may be designated by Prof. W. unless
subsequent developments render it decidedly unadvisable, when it shall be
proper for Mr H. to use his best judgment. In all cases where Prof. W's
directions can be obtained they shall be followed, otherwise Mr H. is to
exercise his best judgment according to circumstances and act accordingly.
Mr Hornaday is to collect such natural history material, and in such
quantities and conditions as may be directed by Prof. Ward from time to
time, as far as is at all consistent with the time and means at command. Mr
H. agrees to give his entire time and attention to the matter of collecting,
with the exception of such as may be occupied at odd times in the writing of
notes, letters, journals, &c and matters of like character. But it is
hereby understood that such matters of private interest shall in no case be
allowed to interfere with the regular work of the expedition. Prof. War
agrees to pay the entire travelling expenses of Mr H. from the time of his
leaving Rochester until his return to the same, and to defray all necessary
expenses of the expedition. He further promises that, after Mr H. shall have
reached Ceylon he shall receive the sum of Eight Hundred ($800) in American
currency per year for his services over and above his travelling expenses. A
year shall be considered 365 days which allows Mr H. the usual Sunday to
himself. This salary is to be continued from the time Ceylon is reached
until Mr H. shall finally leave Australia, or some other point for home
direct, and in case after thus leaving, a stop for collecting be made at any
point by the way, the salary is to be renewed & continued during such
collecting. The salary of Mr Hornaday is to be paid tri-monthly to his
financial agent, Mr Benn Autere, or to such other party as Mr H. may
subsequently designate.Memoranda of an agreement between Henry A. Ward and W. T. Hornaday (October 1876)
Prof. Ward further offers to furnish to Mr Hornaday such
articles of clothing as shall be peculiarly necessary to the matter of
hunting and working in the unusual climates and localities visited, but
beyond this Mr H. pays his own clothing expenses. All the natural history
collections of the trip are to belong to Prof. Ward. All information
obtained is for him also, i.e. such information as pertains especially to
his business and aims, and Mr H. promises to jealously guard and reserve all
information regarding correspondents, localities, &c. by which others
might be enabled to take advantage to the detriment of Prof. Wards interest.
Mr H. agrees to not revisit the same localities for the purpose of
collecting unless it be for his own Museum (in which case Prof. W. shall
have the optionMemoranda of an agreement between Henry A. Ward and W. T. Hornaday (October 1876)
of taking a half interest in the trip & collections.) or if in the interest
of other parties it shall be with the full and free consent of Prof Ward.
Prof Ward will offer no objection to Mr Hornaday in case the latter should
see fit to publish an account of his travels and observations on his return.
Should Mr H. be incapacitated by sickness or accident, the time thus lost
shall be either made up or deducted, but his expenses shall be continued as
if well, and on the same basis, he -(Mr H.) bearing all extraordinary
expenses involved by such sickness or accident. Should serious or permanent
sickness or accident imperatively require Mr Hornaday's abandonment of the
expedition and return to America, he shall himself bear 1/2 of the expenses
of said return provided that the same shall occur within one year of his
arrival at Ceylon, or 1/4 of said expenses in the event that the same shall
occur during the second year after his arrival at Ceylon, and if after the
second year as above stated, Mr H. shall bear such expenses as will be
incurred over and above the ordinary travelling expenses by reason of such
sickness. It is agreed that the time Mr H. shall spend in collecting shall
in no case exceed two years (i.e. from the date of his reaching Ceylon until
the day of his definite departure for home). Prof Ward agrees to keep Mr H.
so supplied with funds that the movements of the latter will never be
delayed or embarrassed by a deficiency.Memoranda of an agreement between Henry A. Ward and W. T. Hornaday (October 1876)
Hornaday W. T. + Ward H. A. Mem. of Agreement Oct. 76. Mr Hornaday promises
to be strictly economical in matters of time and money, to keep accounts of
all expenditures, and to use his best judgment and put forth his best
efforts always in the interest of the expedition. He will send to Prof Ward
monthly returns of expenditures incurred and collections made. [signatures]
Henry A. Ward Wm T. Hornaday.