Transcribe Baker, A. B. Letter to Ward, Henry A. (1883-03-10)

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[written vertically on the left side </u Baker Mar. '83] Syracuse, Mvh. 10, 1883 Dear Prof. Ward.

  Your letter of the 8th and enclosures

(which I return herewith) are at hand. I have noted on the egg lists such species as are wanted and about the price which you can afford to pay. For Durand's "entire lot" ( down to Flamingo) I don't think you can safely offer more than $15. - as a large proportion of eggs will not be wanted for a long time. I have noted those which are needed.

  You can hardly offer any particular proportion

of catalogue price ^for eggs^ . I think you have paid on the average about 1/3 or a little less. But the proportion has to vary considerably in different cases. The best way, it seems to me, is for the party to send a list of what he has, or can get and put on "lowest cash price", or if he will not put on price then make an offer, he sending list.

  I was interested in the final letter, and have

made note of it in case I get up that way. I rec'd, a letter today from Mr. Gilbert saying that as soon