Transcribe Baker, A. B. Letter to Ward, Henry A. (1882-02-02)
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Charles intends to fir up in the cellar a place to do his casting, as the insurance will not permit work in the shop by lamplight.
We have now about 130 subscribers to the Bulletin, which
is receiving many commendations - one Californian, especially, remarked that it "fills a vacancy long wanted," (A good item to quote - a la Foote.)
Several small jobs of custom work have recently come
in Beaver & Fisher (one each) skins to be mounted for Boston Soc. Nat. Hist. - Shetland Pony skeleton for John Reynders & Co. of New York (dealers) price $50. - less 10%. Human skeleton from Dr. J. F. Baldwin of Columbus O. - $35.-; $20. cash $15. advertizing in Ohio Med. Journal.
I enclose a letter from W. J. Fisher which should
have gone to you by Mr. Howell, but was overlooked,
Do not think of anything farther to write now.
Will send January summary soon.
We shall look for letters in a day or two, as the
steamer of the 28th ought to have brought some. Respectfully yours, Arthur B. Baker Mr Burrows was here today - asked him if he had written you - said he did not have time to write you after he was here in summer and that later he did not know where to direct - also that he had not heard from you since you were plan- ning to go to S.A. and that he thought you had neglected him. [ybg]