Transcribe Baker, A. B. Letter to Ward, Henry A. (1881-10-12)
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Oct. 12, 1881 We also received at the same time 10 skeletons from Putze. These were mostly in good shape, except that one lacked vertebral column and two or three others had one or more phalanges missing. Putze wrote that he could send 10 more skeletons at M.58 each - asked him whether they were any better than those just received ( selling con- dition); that if not we did not want them. Two skeletons have come from Trumond - by Express - charges $12. - They are pretty fair, tho' not quite as white and fine as we had hoped. We complained to him of their condition and also asked why he sent by express when he knew we wished them sent to Moller, - no answer yet. - and none from Putze, it is hardly time to hear. The 2 skeleton are being mounted and will go - one to M.C.Z. the other to Dr. Keene of Phila. very soon.
Prof. Allen writes that Agassiz wants a full grown Hippo-
potamus in place of the young one they have; that he wishes you to be on the look out for one and also for an opportunity to dispose of the one they have. Kanouse writes (Sept. 4) that he shipped "some days ago" 3 boxes & 1 bale (^total^ 154 lbs.) containing 1 entire Indian Skeleton & part of another, 1 goat skin, lot of Indian implements, 2 skeletons and 5 skins of Wolverine & 12 of Beaver - also a few fossils. From the tone of his letter I fear the fossils & implements are simply things which he has picked up without any knowledge - odd and curious perhaps, but of very little value. Among them are " a stone from