Transcribe Baker, A. B. Letter to Ward, Henry A. (1881-08-12)

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Rochester, Aug 12/81

                  Oct. 2,

Dear Prof. Ward,

    Hugo Touisseint writes that he has rec'd

from the Royal Unatomical Museum of Berlin 310 Marks for you. He says it costs 3 M. to buy a draft and wishes to know whether he shall pay so large an amount for the draft or make some other use of the money. There is about 500 M. due Putze for skeletons now on the way and we will have it applied on this.

    A letter from Putze tells us that he has 10

skeletons at 45 M. Mr. Lucas says we have enough -10 now on the way and the Italians. Shall write him to that effect.

    Wrote ^about three weeks^ </s some time > ago to Mr. Snow a custom house

broker of Boston inquiring about his bill for models imported </s some > more than a year ago for Wellesley, but have rec'd no reply. Also wrote J.N. Rice, Shelton, Neb. inquiring about the Ante- lope heads which he agreed to send, but have had no word from him.

    Charlie's eye is entirely well, but he is still

suffering considerably from Syphilis. He has worked only one day in the past three weeks. I hope he