Transcribe Baker, A. B. Letter to Ward, Henry A. (1881-04-07)

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Dear Prof. Ward,

I see on looking over Mr. Lucas' letter that he has left but little for me to write.

Corals from San Francisco have come and been unpacked. There was no damage worth mentioning: t'was the best packed lot received since I have been here. The pink coral is very fine, far better than we have had before from Europe. The W. + H. specimens, skins, etc. came through in perfect condition. Möller sends way bill (dated Mar 19.) for 1 case rocks from Stũrtz, 1 case "Stones" from Chabot, 1 case from V. Payot, 1 case ostrich Eggs from Eckert, 2 cases from Tramond, 1 case from Wappler, 3 cases from Rammé.

Mr. Howell writes from New York that he has seen Prof. Hooper (Adelphi) and obtained from him a note due June 1 for the amount which he owes ($510.) Mr. Howell also goes to Princeton to settle up the matter there.

Robert will very soon commence work on cases for large Museum; heretofore he has had no time to spare for them. Mr. Preston and I