Transcribe Baker, A. B. Letter to Ward, Henry A. (1881-03-18)

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that is finished he will stuff M. C. Z. birds again. We are now looking for boys to scrape skeletons - would like to get 50 or 6 to begin with and after a few weeks select from them the best two or three. Thus far, however, we have not succeeded in finding any. George will leave in June, and if, for any reason we should happen to lose Joe, the skeleton work would suffer. Consequently we do not intend to drop the matter till we have the boys.

Gilbert Clements sent bill of Cadi, (dated Feb. 18.) for the boxes and casks with $9.70 of charges, which we have paid. The cocoon has not come, have written for another one.

Chas is working at taxidermy, doing very well: has given up French, as I believe he wrote you. My French lessons come regularly twice a week, but progress seems to be very slow. Nothing more to write now. This and yesterday's letter will doubtless reach you at same time. Hoping that you are having a pleasant and successful trip Tremoins

Respectfully yours

Arthur B. Baker