Transcribe Agassiz, Alexander. Letter to Ward, Henry A. (1880-11-04)
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Museum of Comparative Zoology, Nov. 4 1880 CAMBRIDGE, MASS.
Since I have seen your establishment
at Rochester I most sincerely hope that you will receive the patronage you so richly deserve and that you may be able to continue successfully your undertaking. I can only say that I was not only pleased but greatly surprised at the magnitude of the plans you have laid, but if we are to have such an establishment it is none too large to carry out the work you can not fail to ^continue to^ receive from them who have now had any dealings with you. I can frankly say that no dealer with whom I have had relations takes the pains ^paid^ to send only first class specimens and it is a pleasure to see the skill with which your preparations are mounted and to note the care ^you take^ that no thing in your skins skeletons or other specimens should be subject to the least objection & trust that nothing will interfere to enable you speedily to complete the order you have in hand for us Yours truly Al Agassiz