Transcribe Agassiz, Alexander. Letter to Ward, Henry A. (1880-11-04)

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Museum of Comparative Zoology, CAMBRIDGE MASS. Nov 4 /80.

  "  22

My dear Sir

    Mr Garman has shipped you 2 boxes

& skin of serial & one of S.A. Jacuve will you please have these mounts for us. In regard to the S. A. Crocodile if the one you have from Venezuela is the other species for the one now sent I will take it mounted. Let me know if the skins will mount well.

    Also I want for the Afrocan room a

first rate large skin mounted of the Nile Crocodile.

    Mr Allen has written you abt. our

wanting a pair and says he sent measurements of cases (plan) to Lewis & e, as you wanted. I find we have an excellent Feleosaurus but if Princeton does not take your call I will take the Flesrosaurus Prof H. A. Ward Rochester N.Y.