Transcribe Adams, C. F. Letter to Ward, Henry A. (1883-03-02)

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work. Under the direction of Mr. Wild I mounted large and small mammals, birds both fresh and from the dried skin. Also skeletons ligamentary and articulated.

  Of my own collecting I have mounted

alligators, sharks, sea turtles and quite a number of bird skins, all of which I collected in Florida. I have done more work on birds than anything else and ^last^ year I mounted birds for a Chicago dealer, also furn- ished a high school with 39 families and representing over 40 species of birds of N. A. Prepared a pelican skeleton with the same collection. I do not profess to be an expert yet I think I could work to a pretty good advantage on any specimens you saw fit and would not have to com mence at the beginning of the art. I have taken free hand drawing