Transcribe Notice of the Ward cabinets...the University of Rochester (1863)

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series of Pictures, Charts, etc. representing in a graphic manner many of the more prominent forms of animal or vegetable life previously mentioned. A set of Unger's Geological Landscapes is distributed through the rooms, presenting ideal views in the several geological periods.

                                         PLASTER MODELS. 

In accordance with the spirit which directed the whole compilation of the Cabinet, an effort has been made to represent, as far as possible, all the more prominent and noted forms of animal life in the successive geological periods. This effort, to considerable degree successful, has necessitated the introduction of plaster copies of most of the larger and rarer genera - particularly among the Reptiles and Mammals. These casts have invariably been copied from the most perfectly preserved original specimens of the kind existing in the various museums of Europe. They have been constructed with the greatest care, so as to be, in the majority of cases, perfect fac-similes both in form and color. *

Many of the genera are in this way represented both by the cast and by the actual specimen. Below is given a list of the genera which are represented by casts.


  • Mr. Ward possess specimens of all the casts mentioned in this list,

which he will dispose of to parties who may desire to obtain them.