Transcribe Baker, A. B. Letter to Ward, Henry A. (1884-12-08)
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Dec. '84
I have for Dr. Merriam about the following -
2 Cynomys ludovicianus skins
x 4 Perognathus fasciatura. " x. 8 Hesperomys leucogaster "
1 " leucopus. " 1 Lepus callotis " 1 " campestris " 1 " sylvaticus
x. 2 Ochetodon humilis
2 Spermophilus B-linahis
x 1 Neotoma floridana
1 Geomys bursarius
Most of these will probably have to be cash. But of all except those marked x I think I can secure all you will want.. He wants also </u Vulpeo velox > and </u Putorius nignipes >, but these will go for you, unless I can exchange them for your desiderata. The specimens listed have already been promised to him.
I will write you again soon.
Respectfully yours Arthir B. Baker