Transcribe Lucas, Eliza S. Letter to Ward, Henry A. (1873-06-02)

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comes about the middle of July & takes N. York on the way back with me: or, if it would suit you better. "come to N. York when I am about ready to leave & spend the time at home in August!" there seems to be ample time to arrange things satisfac- torily, & trust nothing unpleasant will recur to prevent - - - - should you be in N. York while there the ship will probably be at Grand St Wharf, & if you will take the trouble to find us, will give you a comfortable </u berth.>, plenty to eat & a </u warm welcome ! > I hope you will soon be comfortably domicileated in your new home with years of happiness in store for you with the loved ones; with love to Mrs Ward & thanking you