Transcribe Hooper, Franklin W. Letter to Ward, Henry A. (1886-05-28)
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nwh 71 St James Pl. Brooklyn N. Y. May 28th 1886. Prof. Henry A Ward:
My dear Sir: The Adelphi
Academy is about to build a large building
for the accomodation of its higher instruction
at the cost of $100,000. A room (30 X 66 ft)
in the fourth story has been planned to re-
ceive the collections in Mineralogy, Geology
Archaeology, Zoology & Botany. We desire to
furnish the room with the very best cases
that are made - The cases must be thoroughly
built, air-tight and of the very best ma-
terial - Our plan is to put in sixteen
cases 3 ft wide, 12 ft long and nine ^ 8 1/2^ feet high
inside measure, with glass on four sides and
with the two long sides made of doors which will
swing open. The shelving should all be sup-
ported on iron ratchets resting on iron standards
in the centre of the cases - Besides the six-