Transcribe Howell, Edwin E. Letter to Ward, Henry A. (1886-05-15)
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Louisville if we want to. - He seems to be a very accommodating nice man. I have com- menced preparing some for the exhibition, and am also fixing up for display here, - Your side have moved out of Long Museum, and so the past week I have been fitting it up so that we can display College Collection of Casts (on origines) very nicely. I found however it looked badly, and on examination of the roof showed it could not be patched, so I spent $40. - for a new roof. I dreaded to spend the money at this time but it seemed the only thing to do. I will be able to arrange everything, including the glyptodon in good shape. I inclose a Spanish letter which I have found no one to read and only make out a little of, but he evidently wants to </u sell >. I will also inclose letter from Dr. Newbery which L. A. had just handed me. I will write him about Mastodon and tell him mounted complete - his museum for $3000. - your card of the 5th came while I have been writing Am glad you are making sales.. J says a card for you says you sold $275.- the first day </u Keep it up > ! Very truly yours Edwin E. Howell