Transcribe Howell, Edwin E. Letter to Ward, Henry A. (1886-05-15)
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ybg Ward's Natural Science Establishment No. 2 College Avenue (opposite University). </em Minerals, Rocks, Fossils, Casts of Fossils, Geological Relief Maps, Models and Diagrams, and Archeological Specimens, > WARD & HOWELL </em Skins and Skeletons of Animals, Invertebrates, (Crustaceans, Shells, Corals, etc.). Glass Models of ditto, Anatomical Models, Human Skeletons, Skulls and Skeletons of Races, etc. > H. A. WARD, A. M. </em Rochester, N. Y. >, May 15,,1886 Dear Prof.
Your letter of the first came
some days since, and your card of the next day, immediately followed it, before I had mailed the mineral heding for collection. We have a list of the fossils sent to Mexico but it contains names only, not formation or </u locality >. Then we could of course fill in in part, but we could not fill them all in, and probably could not get them to you until your use for them had passed by entirely. Concluded better not send them. I had no idea you intended to make an exhibition of your material. By the way do you sell at the market price (U.S. money) or do you add something for expenses? Why in the world did you shave? It makes you look twenty years older, without any offset that I can see. Phebe did not recognise it or you neither did Anne she said it resembled you but was certainly some much older man. I did not see the slip about Meteorites after you took it from my room. You know I presume heard that Mr. Wright says we may sell out -