Transcribe Allen, J. A. Letter to Ward, Henry A. (1886-01-07)

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430. Circus hudsonius female 35. Chaniea fasciata 3576. Chosdeiles virginianus minor. 55a Certhia familiaris mexicana 352. Chaetura vauxi 60. Thryothorus ludovicianus 341. Trochilus alleni male female 38. Parus inornatus griseus 338. " anna female [[380a] " " cineraceus 337. " costae female 83. Helminthophilia lucias male female 336. " Alexandria male female 102. Deudroica blackburniae female 325a. Enipidonax pusillus traille 94. " caerulesceus female 314. Niyiarechus laivrencei 107. " virens female 238. Pipil nreaculatus arcticus Male female. 108. " townsendi male female 2356. Passerella iliaca megarhyncha 111.. " pinus female 2316. Melospiza fasciata hermanni 231e. " " sufina male female 233. Melospiza georgiana 212. Spisella pallida

      </s Junco >

206. Zonotrichia leucophiys male and juv. 205. " quesula </s harrisi > male female 175. Leucosticte tephrocotis male female 169. Carpodacus cassini male female 144. Vireo huttoni 120 Geothlypis philadelphia 118. Oporoinis agilis 73. Neocorys oproguci male 61. Thryothorus bervicki 28. Polioptila plumbea male female 29. " californica male female

    If you decide to order direct from Jencks,

be careful not to accept immature or very much worn plumages. On these points I will decide if you care to take the trouble to send the specimens to me before mounting. Would make acceptance of material ordered contingent </s to their being > on the specimens proving acceptable as to their points to the curator if

[written vertically on right side-

of birds of the Am. Mus. (!)

Very truly yours J. A. Allen