Transcribe Owston, Alan. Letter to Ward, Henry A. (1883-10-05)

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skeletons Snow had collected - I suppose if he had found any other skins he would have thrown them overboard too - I will not be sure though, perhaps it was only a Russian who did this, and it would be too much to expect anything better of them - as for what other skins Snow had got, I am glad to say he did not present them to the Emperor of all the Russians, but quietly stored them away first.

       What shall be done to Mr Pennypacker

who seems to have such a particular down on you, - Is the "Quartz penetrated by Rulite" that he speaks of any good - if so please send us a small sample, and we will try to get some of it.

       Smith is making a little tour

and is now at

       I enclose Pennypacker's letters &

copy of our reply - I think this should be sufficient to deter him from trusting any of his money to our tender mercies. Yours very truly Alan Owston