Transcribe Owston, Alan. Letter to Ward, Henry A. (1883-10-05)
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nwh 5th October 188 3 Prof. Henry A. Ward Rochester, Dear Mr Ward,
Since I wrote you on the 30th Aug.
I am in receipt of yours of the 11th and 13th Aug. the latest covering a draft for $277.00, which amount we have placed to your credit - in a/c with many thanks for the same.
I am sorry your stock is so
large you find it necessary to postpone orders for the present, but hope you will soon make some big sales at big prices just for the benefit of your health.
My partner Snow has gotten
into the clutches of the Russian Bear - I send you a copy of his account -;I am hopeful he will come out all right. I only hope he will be able to make someone pay for all this trouble - If you know any of the Alaska Commercial Co's people, I hope you will exert your influence to obtain promotion for their agent who so kindly threw overboard the