Transcribe Parker, H. W. Memorandum of Agreement with Ward, Henry A. (1883-08-06)

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3rd The aggregate of these ^by Prof Parker to Mr. Ward^ of these payments shall

      in no year, dating from Oct. 1st 1883. be
      less than the sum of $500.

4th After Oct. 1 1883 Prof. Parker shall pay

     annually to Mr. Ward interest at 6% ^per annum^ or
     so much of the $3,000. as is not received
     in payments from time to time.

5th That Until;; the whole sum of $3,000. has been

      paid by Prof. Parker is  he shall at his own expense
      keep the collection insured ^against ?^ Mr. Ward's name
      and for his interest to the amount of the balance
     still owing him.

6th What The sums paid by Prof. Parker for freight ^on the collection^ from

      New York, for its insurance and for any and all expenses
      of storage and protection until such time as it is en-
      tirely paid for shall be considered as a rental paid
      to Mr. Ward for the use of the collection and not as 
      making any lien upon the collection.

7th. Until the full sum of $3,000. with interest

      as above provided  has been paid to Mr. Ward the
      title and ownership to the entire collection
      shall remain in his ^(Ward's)^ hands.

8th And Should Prof. Parker fail at any time

       to fulfil and keep up his part of this agreement
      Mr. Ward may enter upon and remove the entire
      collection Prof. Parker forfeiting any and all sums
      which he has paid upon it

9th Beyond this forfeiture of the collection Prof.

      Parker will not be libel to Mr. Ward for any debt
      or damages of any kind , resulting from his failure
      to make full payment of this sum of $3000 and interest as

Signed H. W. Parker Henry A. Ward Note. Of the $3,000. above mentioned the sum of $437.25. ^has been^ was paid to Mr. Ward July 25 to this date leaving at this date the sum of $2,562.25/100 still due him.