Transcribe Jackson, Peter V. Letter to Ward, Henry A. (1874-08-12)

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                                           4                [another hand- Aug. 12, 1874]

above are not labeled.

    The two Grizzley skins, & the two Lynx skins

are not labelled; the largest of the pair, in each is the male, the smallest, female.

    The large box No. 4 you will need

to use care in unpacking, so as not to injure the smaller specimens, or get parts mixed: where all the parts of skeletons are not labeled separately, they are tied with cord to the main portion, so that with proper care, & noticing the explanations, in lists of contents, & in this letter, they will come out all right.

     In looking over your letter, I find you

asked me about Dr. Gibson. I do not know where he is: but I think he was in Chicago several years ago.

    Will try & treat your friend the earl

like a </u white man > when he arrives. - have no word from him yet - & will see that he gets a right impression of the importance of your work here; Have repaired the fence about the field this summer. - many parts rotten & broken off & have repainted & whitewashed the buildings, which had begun to look quite shabby; so that now the place looks quite respectable. Very truly Yours P. V. Jackson