Transcribe Ward, Henry A. Letter to Orton, James (1855-10-31)
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are ordeals through which all have to pass, but in
which they stand quite a chance to find an alleviation.
In one respect however you would not perhaps have
had the same privilege elsewhere as with me. And that is
my library. As you are studying for the ministry you
doubtless do not wish the encumberment or expense
of many scientific books. With me it is different
and I have in my library many works in English & in French.
On Geology I have both Lyell's Works, De la Beche, Bakewell,
Richardson, Phillips, Bendant, D'Omalius D' Halloy, &
C. D'Orbiyuy. on Geology ^Science^ & Religion I have . Hitshcock, King,
Age, Smith, Harris, Kirby, Paley (!). & e. On Paleontology I have
6 ^vols.^ works of A. D. Orbiz?, & 4 of Muntell. On zoology, Minerology
& chemistry I have Milne Edwards, Dana Haring, Beardant
Renault, Stockert, Siliman & c. with some general miscellaneous works
as Araza's Asronomy, Humbildf's Cosmos, Chenn's Conchology,
the Plurality or Worlds & c. I have also the Dict. of Nat.History
by C. D'Orbging with colored plates & well bound. This
is the most recent & complete thing of the kind extant
cast at full price $105. This with ^Blurat on coat & Klee on the Debger) ? & Hoblyn</u>
my scientific library. My excuse for so many books is
I shall need them all more or less in following the
lectures here, & concluded to insure the opinion of them while
I had the funds.I am getting more & more into the plan of
using my library as a huge dictionary. I have been taking
private lessons in Geology of Prof. C. D'O? for the past two months
& like him & the collection of rocks at the Jardin des Plantes
exccedingly. The lectures commence at all the institutions
in a week & on every possible science. A bill on the opposite wall
announces "? cours sur la Splaanchronlogical Ecole de Medecine." just think
of it Orton! Splanchnologic!1