Transcribe Orton, James. Letter to Ward, Henry A. (1855-02-13)
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valuable information. Prof. Chadbourne Prof. Euman's son & myself constituted the Geological corps. We went to Halifax by the Royal "Niagara" thence to St Johns </u Nfld. > via Cape Breton Is. From St Johns we sailed around to the Western end of the Island; then we separated; Emmons took the Survey of the Southern Coast.; while Prof. C. & myself traveled together north - up the western shore, both </u Micmac > guides. We discovered two coal beds. alabaster, leads & copper; besides meeting with a variety of strange incidents. I had the good fortune to discover the </u first > fossil out of the coal series on the Island. Prof. C. Afterwards found two more. We were gone two months. I have published a short article in the Sci. American wh. I may possibly send you. We think (if time will permit) of getting up a Book on Newfoundland. wh. you shall see if ^it^ ever sees the light; to be on the plan of Agassiz Lake Superior.