Transcribe Ward, Levi A. Letter to Ward, Henry A. (1856-05-10)

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[another hand- L.A.W. 1856] Rochester May 10, 1856 My Dear Nephew,

  A week or two have firth fur an

read me a few paragraphs, from a letter she had recd from you, in reference to your ? ? .As it seemed to be a case where a small sum would add to her comfort I did not hesitate to send her $75. To my surprise I recd a note from E. of which the following are the material points. _ "I was surprised that Holten should have written to you for it as I have said nothing to him of any want and indeed I do not want it for myself". . . . As I am in no pressing need of anything at present I think of sending it to her (my mother)" ------My letter to E. ?ater that I wanted to believe from a letter from you that it would add to her </u personal comfort > to receive a small amount of pecuniary means beyond her present income - This is the answer -

  Your letter of the 17 April came duly to hand.

I regret that Ms. W. thinks of recalling Charles and as a natural result yourself this summer. He has been liberal so long with his aid that I hoped he would continue