Transcribe Orton, James. Letter to Ward, Henry A. (1856-04-02)

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from Mr Hunt stating that he was </u intimately > acquainted with Mr W. and had just dispatched a note requesting an interview. How providential! Yesterday I rc'd a letter from Mr Hunt giving the result of the meeting. I will quote from his letter: - "I have just had an interview with Mr Wadsworth; he has been absent & did not re- ceive my letter until this morning. After a little conversation I handed him your letter; he read it carefully & then made complimentary remarks, that you might blush were I to repeat them: they certainly gratified me. It is of opinion that the sum you name ($500.) is all too small, though his son being in Paris would be able to aid you in procuring you com- fortable but Economical lodgings, - that Grinell & Neiuturn must give you a free passage across oc., & then said he could contribute in part, that is you with others