Transcribe Ward, Henry Augustus. Letter to Selden, Susan Ward (1855-08-26)

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who, in addition to brilliant talents, is a perfect personification of the words -" a christian is the highest style of Man." I wish he were going to spend the winter, but he returns soon to America. I attend the British protestant church every Sunday. Yesterday I heard the Rev.</u Baptiste Noel >preach a very earnest pointed sermon full of good ideas & awful grammar. I am getting along well with my </u french >, speak with a fair degree of fluency upon almost any subject and have so all say, an excellent pronunciation . I certainly deserve to have made some progress as I have studied with much </u care > from the commencement & have rigidly adhered to the rule </u never > to recognize a mistake, either in my pronunciation or grammar without at once </u going back & correcting it. > I take my chocolate & my Dejeunner in my room, but at dinner I eat with the family & about a dozen boarders, and for an hour & 1/2 talk in french, about the city news & the </u untamable > Sebastopol, or gossip about ourselves. </u Monsieur Martin > has two daughters who like few others at Paris are at once handsome intelligent & modest. I am at present until the