Transcribe Boyd, D. F. Letter to Ward, Henry A. (1876-09-20)

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no doubt you will reap both pleasure & profit from it.

    I see that some </u  Virginian > has

written back from Egypt to a friend in Richmond, Va, that </u all the Americans in the ? service are to be </u dis- charged >. But I can hardly credit-

it. Possibly, if there is any truth

in it, Mr Nusbout may know something about it. At any rate, I trust you shall find him & (?) Col. Lockett in Cairo - You will be charmed with Lockett. He is one of the kindest and & best tempered per- sons I ever knew, and very intelligent withal. Genl. Stone , I only know by character ^& correspondence.

    Wishing you a safe trip. and an

agreeable one too, I am Very Respy, Yr D F Boyd Please remember me Kindly to W. Merchant. D. F. B.